Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What a trip...

Fast forward a year and 8 months!  We've been living here at Riley since June of 2011.  I've actually enjoy just about everything here.  I haven't hated it as some let it be known.  Kids like it and have adjusted.  It is so cool to have Troy in middle school with me!  I can keep an eye on him, but better, that teachers see how smart of a kid he is---guess he just shows it more at school :)

Hannah has gotten big and still loves school, especially now that she goes to Seitz---a brand new school!

Funny how we were so worried about a deployment almost 2 years ago, and now we are anxiously awaiting the end to our first one.  It hasn't  been terrible, but I definitely don't wish for another one right away!  I just want to lay in Jeff's arms on the couch and have his hand run through my hair,  Just give me a "Jeffy hug" as my mom would say, because his hugs are some of the greatest.

Short blog, but I just am so thankful it has been as smooth as it has been...Thank the Lord!